Convert Postman Collection to Apache JMeter (JMX)

Mohamed Tarek
3 min readSep 11, 2022

Hey! , i know that you have thoughts about it before , so am i.

What if i want to move my API collection to JMeter to start a performance test run.

Should i do it manually , or use the JMeter “Test Script Recorder”.

i am here to offer two solution , but in one of them we have to do some setup 🤷🏻‍♂️.

1- Loadium Application (Online)

Loadium is a load testing tool running all performance test types over open-source tools, such as; JMeter, Gatling, and Selenium. It also provides a tool to testers for converting from Postman to JMeter.

We will use their trial version to convert Postman collection to JMX project as the following.

Steps :

1- Go to “”

2- Create new account or sign up using “Google” , “Github” or “LinkedIn”

3- Press “Create” as the following screen shot

4- Scroll down to “More Options” and click on “Convert to JMX”

5- Follow the pop-up dialog as the following screen shots

6- Press on “Download JMX”

7- Open Apache JMeter and open the downloaded JMX

2- postman2jmx (offline)

We’re going to use the postman2jmx converter on Github , you can find the link below :


you can follow this detailed guide :


We have to install the following :

1- To install Homebrew , paste the following line in MacOS terminal
( Git should be installed to be able to install Homebrew)

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

2- Download and install java from Oracle website

3- We are going to install maven using Homebrew , paste the following line in MacOS terminal

brew install maven

4- It is time to clone postman2jmx , paste the following line on the terminal

git clone

5-we have to build postman2jmx using maven which was installed before to be able to use it , paste the following lines to the terminal.

$ cd postman2jmx $ mvn package

6- when the build is completed you should find postman2jmx in your mac os home folder as the following screen shot

7- Navigate to “target” folder in terminal and let’s convert our first file.

$ cd target/Postman2Jmxjava -jar Postman2Jmx.jar VAmPI.postman_collection.json my_jmx_file2.jmx

8- Conversion process will be as the following screenshot

9- Let’s try to open the converted JMX in Apache JMeter

That’s for today 🙂 , hope you find it useful.

Please share your tips, experience, comments, and questions for further enriching this topic of discussion.

Originally published at on September 11, 2022.



Mohamed Tarek

Performance Test Engineer | Speaker | Blogger | HP Load Runner Certified | ISTQB Performance Testing Certified | Author of The Performance Testing Handbook